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Started: 9/23/2011 9:07 AM by
Picture Placeholder: Sage, James
  • Sage, James

Section 2: Transferring Credit to UWSP

Please reply to this message with your comments on:
Section 2: Transferring Credit to UWSP
Posted: 10/11/2011 11:54 AM by
Picture Placeholder: Glennon, Catherine
  • Glennon, Catherine

Due to a recent change in the UW System Transfer Policy, the Admissions Office would like the second bullet in this section changed to the following (or similar wording).  If you have questions, please contact Cathy Glennon, Director of Admissions.  Thanks!

Credit is generally awarded for college-level courses completed with grades of D or higher at institutions accredited by a regional or national accrediting organization recognized by the Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA).  Courses must be similar in nature, level and content to course work in our undergraduate curriculum.  Continuing education courses and courses that are remedial, technical, vocational or doctrinal in nature are not transferable.

Posted: 10/22/2011 9:03 AM by
Picture Placeholder: Veum, Mick
  • Veum, Mick

I have some questions about using the math placement exam as a means of testing out of the quantitative literacy requirment.  If placing in level 7 demonstrates sufficient quantitative literacy to satisfy the GEP requirement, then it seems logical to infer that the math placement exam adequately assesses the learning outocmes associated with the quant. lit. requirement.  Is that a correct inference?  If this inference is correct, then can a student request to take the math placement exam as a means of testing out? 

Also, do the prerequisite math courses associated with level 7 then, by default, satisfy the quantitative literacy requirement?  It also seems logical to infer that if placing into level 7 demonstrates a student has achieved the learning outcomes of the QL requirement, then passing the preequisites for level 7 should also demonstrate that those learning outcomes have been met.  I reserve the right to incorrect about this, but I am picturing that it would be entirely conceivable for a student to place below level 7, go on to major in a quantitative natural science like physics (or even double-major in physics and math for that matter), and still not have satisfied the quantitative literacy requirement.  It would really depend on whether or not the math courses are designate as QL.  The GEP physics courses taken by a mjaor will be designated as NS and won't apply to QL.  If I am thinking about this correctly, then either the palcement exam itself is a loophole, or there is a doughnut hole in the QL requirement. 


From: Sage, James
Posted: 9/23/2011 9:07 AM
Subject: Section 2: Transferring Credit to UWSP

Please reply to this message with your comments on:
Section 2: Transferring Credit to UWSP
Edited: 10/26/2011 9:41 AM by
Picture Placeholder: Guay, Don
  • Guay, Don
A score of 7 indicates that a student has demonstrated that he or she would be able to meet the learning outcomes if he or she would enroll in a QL course.  A placement score of 7 indicates that a student has tested beyond Math 109 which has been submitted to the General Education Committee as a QL course in the new GEP. 
All students take the math placement exam which means that every student on campus is in essence taking a test-out exam for QL since the Mathematical Sciences Department has chosen to use the UW System math placement exam as their test-out instrument. 
Individual departments are responsible for bringing courses to the General Education Committee for approval to meet QL learning outcomes as appropriate.  The list of courses brought to the General Education Committee for approval as QL by the Mathematical Sciences Department is sufficient to meet the needs of the diverse science majors on campus.